Creating an online booking system creates a range of benefits for your business and the visitor. Online bookings are the number one source for all tourism bookings in Australia. Bookings can now be received through a multiple of distributors at any time of the day. Ensuring your business is accessible to the visitor who expects to able to search, book, pay and confirm instantly.
Online booking systems offers convenience to consumers and can dramatically increase your sales opportunities.
Booking systems can be quite complicated when uploading product. It can be easy to make a mistake that costs your business money. This training provides an introduction to bookings systems. Completing this training will give you confidence in loading products, configuring settings, connecting agents, connecting tracking channels and embedding your booking system to your website.
Are you needing assistance loading or updating product? Explore is able to complete the tedious task of loading in your product and updating your settings for you. It frees up you time and energy for other parts of your business. Explore is able to assist with loading pre-existing products and optimising your booking system. We can also help with descriptions, tour itineraries and more!
Based in Darwin NT. Explore is relocating to Far North QLD in December of 2023. Don't worry! All our services will still be available remotely and our knowledge of the Top End still runs true.